Powell Chemical Dependency Center, located at Iowa Lutheran Hospital, in Des Moines, IA, is a safe and supportive setting where individuals can face their drug and alcohol abuse and learn to recover. Powell CDC allows individuals to work with their families and significant others to rebuild their lives and the lives of others affected by the uncertainty, pain, loss, helplessness and fear created by drug abuse. We provide the highest quality drug and alcohol addiction treatment services in central Iowa.
- Areas of Specialization
Areas of Specialization Outpatient, Family Program
- Mountains
- Beach Community
- Residential Neighborhood
- Average Location/Amenities
- Oceanfront
- Wilderness
- Private/Secluded
- Resort
- Luxury
- Pool
- Lake Side
- Executive
- Desert
- Detox Services
- Behavioral Disorder Treatment
- Dual-Diagnosis Treatment
- Outpatient Services
- Sober Living Home
- Day School
- Private Rooms
- Pet Friendly
- Exceptionally LGBT Friendly
- Men Only
- Women Only
- Men/Women Both
- Teen and Adolescent
- Alcohol Addiction And Abuse
- Drugs Addiction And Abuse
- Sleep Disorder Treatment
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)