Cold Creek Behavioral Health is a nationally accredited, non 12-step drug and alcohol addiction treatment program. We offer a full range of the most successful evidence-based therapies. Cold Creek’s treatment programs are based on the Bio-Psycho-Social and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment models that are recognized by Columbia University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. These models view addiction as a disease while taking into consideration that there are Biological, Psychological, and Sociological factors to consider when treating addiction. We offer dual diagnosis treatment, which means we treat addiction and mental health issues at the same time and in the same setting. All of our limited enrollment programs offer individual treatment where only 8-10 clients are treated at a time. This ensures clients receive the individual counseling, and personal attention in a beautiful setting that balances healing and recovery.
- Animal Therapy
Animal TherapyAnimal therapy (also called animal-assisted therapy and pet therapy) supports recovery and emotional wellbeing by helping people develop relationships with animals. Animal therapy can be a one-time or ongoing experience. - Individual Therapy
Individual TherapyThis term describes one-on-one therapy, in which a patient and trained counselor, social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist meets privately with a patient to discuss challenges related to lifestyle, work, family and romantic relationships that may have contributed to the development of an addiction.
- Mountains
- Beach Community
- Residential Neighborhood
- Average Location/Amenities
- Oceanfront
- Wilderness
- Private/Secluded
- Resort
- Luxury
- Pool
- Lake Side
- Executive
- Desert
- Detox Services
- Behavioral Disorder Treatment
- Dual-Diagnosis Treatment
- Outpatient Services
- Sober Living Home
- Day School
- Private Rooms
- Pet Friendly
- Exceptionally LGBT Friendly
- Men Only
- Women Only
- Men/Women Both
- Teen and Adolescent
- Alcohol Addiction And Abuse
- Drugs Addiction And Abuse
- Sleep Disorder Treatment
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
- Counseling

Shawnda is the Clinical Director of the Cold Creek Wellness Programs helping those struggling with addiction by first completing a Bachelors of Science in Psychology from Weber State University followed by a Master’s of Science in Mental Health Counseling. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor specializing in assisting individuals with Dual Diagnosis. She has unique empathy and specialized treatment experience for those suffering with opiate dependence/addiction including methadone and suboxone as well as eating disorders, anxiety, and trauma. Shawnda has a deep enthusiasm for community and political service, hiking and camping in the beauty of the world, participation in various local athletic leagues, the “learning process”, and has a great desire to encourage others to explore and embrace their own passions.