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Drug rehab and No insurance

Posted Aug-17-2016 In by Piyush Bhateja

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Drug rehab and No insurance


When we hear drug rehab, we know we talking about very expensive treatment, just like any other mental health treatments. Outpatient treatment comes on an average of $135 to $160 per day, while inpatient drug rehab average cost per day starts from $600 to $1000+ per day. Now if you have health insurance no problem, however if you have no health insurance remember this is a tough task but there are number of solutions & resources available to get you the treatment you need.


We will try to put you in right direction, we all know health insurance helps reduce the cost of drug rehab treatment but does not really help you get all paid. Without insurance, it seems an impossibility for some patients, but the answer is different its very possible to get treatment without medical insurance.


Read below some of the options available for you:


1. Drug Rehab Treatment Financing


There are many drug rehab treatment centres that may finance some part or all of your treatment cost without you having the health insurance. In simple words you will be given flexibility from rehab to make part payments or small payments in instalments over a certain period of time and you get a new life as a bonus also.


2. Sliding scale fee drug rehab


Sliding scale fee in rehab works on Patients ability to pay. Patients with Lower incomes or less money gets benefits from the sliding scale fees. In other words we can call Sliding scale fees as price discrimination or differential pricing. Now this options is available in many facilities and one can find rehab with sliding scale fees , and guess what you only pay what you can afford, which is typically not just based on your income but expenses, with income and what you can afford. This definitely helps addicts to get treatment.


3. Borrow money

Well we all know this is oldest way of helping yourself by borrowing money from family or friends. But this is only possible when you have people who are ready to extend support for you and ready to support your decision for getting treated and start new life. Borrowing is also possible from life insurance policies or your retirement accounts. You may also approach the bank or any financial institution to lend you a personal loan but money borrowed from financial institutes or banks comes with high finance plus interest charges.  One big piece of advice try to avoid in any circumstances don’t use credit card to pay for rehab treatment.

4. Non-profit groups or NGO’s


Well this is good news there are some Non-Profit organizations always ready to help patients for their treatment. There are different options available like you may get grant for treatment or , these organizations may offer you free rehab treatment. You can find for these groups locally in your area or connect with a licensed clinical social worker to find a low cost or no cost drug treatment rehab.


Below is the list of some Great Addiction-Based Nonprofits And Charities


1.     Amy Winehouse Foundation

2.     The Herren Project

3.     Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

4.     The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness

5.     Rosecrance Foundation

6.     Angels At Risk

7.     Natural High

8.     To Write Love On Her Arms

9.     Phoenix House

10.   Shatterproof

11.   Mario Do Right Foundation

12.   Foundation For Alcoholism Research

13.   Eating Disorder Foundation

14.   Strawberry Ministries


5. Government assistance – Govt Aid



Medicaid is a program offered from Government and it provides health coverage to low-income people and is one of the largest payers for health care in the United States. This can be used by the patients to get help pay for rehab treatment. Its eligibility is based on your household income and your expenses. One must qualify for the program to get the help from the program. You can find out whether you qualify for the same or not, contact nearest county assistance office. You can also find rehabs which accept federal vouchers from the Block Grants program. States department of health and social services can also help you find more information on the same.

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